New Year

It's a NEW YEAR, now what? There's so much PRESSURE to pursue a new beginning; to start anew, afresh, again. We're programmed to leave the old behind and look forward to what's ahead, infront, and coming.

We convince ourselves that because a NEW second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year have started, we have a clean slate and can start all over again without the consequence (or reward) of the previous seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years actions (or inaction).

Then there's the EXPECTATION to erase yesteryear and begin from a fresh new place, again. But in doing so, we erase our losses & defeats as well as our wins & successess, ultimately making them null and void. We have to be careful to not toss the baby with the bath water.

If we are to truly have a CLEAN SLATE, that means we erase ALL OF IT; the great losses and the great wins, the pain and the healing, the scars and the growth, the tears of sorrow and tears of joy.

Truth be told there is also WORRY! Will this year really be better, different? With all that 2020 has taught us, for some it has numbed us and prevents us from hoping for better, expecting happiness, and from seeing a positive future. Covid-19 took a lot from us, and even for those that weren't infected with the virus we've all been affected by the virus. So what do we do now?

NOW we take one day at a time. Find a reason everyday to give thanks. Some days you may have to look deeper, longer, dig harder, but find the reason. Life has a way of surprising you when you allow life to just BE! Stuff happens, but look at yourself. Really look at you. You've overcome so much already and each time you swore you were never going to make it out of that! BUT YOU DID. And you WILL. Every situation comes to build your muscle (endurance, confidence, character, intuitiveness, creativity, tenacity, as well as strength)!

It's a NEW YEAR, now what? There's so much PRESSURE to pursue a new beginning; to start anew, afresh, again. So NOW...... We pursue a new beginning; to start anew, afresh, again. We look forward to what's ahead, infront, and coming.